Hello Black parents!
Hello Parents;
I am Ms. Abrams or (Ms. Queen). I am the Music/Drama Instructor here a Robert A. Black Elementary School. I am looking forward to working with each child. It’s an enjoyment of mines to provide a platform for students to learn and explore their creativity. I would like to welcome your child to my class. This year will be loaded with amazing unseen talent from each student. Parents your involvement will be so important. I need your support to give your child an adventure of a life time.
Needless to say, we all know that attendance is very important. Students will learn the importance of time and becoming a team player. There is no “I” in team meaning each student must think about how important they are to the class project and or production. When a student is absent, it hurt the production. With that being said, let’s put forth an effort to have your child here daily. I would like to share a quote I heard from somewhere: “To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is totally unacceptable!”
Now that we are on the same page regarding attendance, Good Behavior in class is required for each student. RESPECT is my main rule. We all must respect each other’s property, each other and oneself. Students will be responsible for reading the classroom Rules and Regulations as well as Consequences. All students will be responsible for following all Rules and Regulations that has been set for the class. A copy of the rules is attached to this letter please read and sign. Consequences’ and Incentives are spelled out in the letter. Parents we must start on the same page. Let’s work together for the success of our children!
This school year’s calendar of events will be very rewarding, educational and fun! The up-coming shows, dates and times will be sent in the Sept Newsletter. Please mark your calendars. I will send a monthly newsletter home to remind you. Friends and family of each student is welcomed to attend each production. Parents! I will host a workshop just for you, details will come soon. For additional information visit Neke’s Theatre Company website: click the tap that says “Wentworth Parents”
The productions, classroom work and projects will be used to assess students for a grade. The grading policy is scaled as follows: 100-92/A, 91-82/B, 81-72/C, 71-62/D, and 61-0/F. I will notify each parent if a student is falling below a passing grade.
Now that we have covered all necessary classroom business, let start preparing for a Super Fantastic School Year! If you have any question please feel free to schedule an appointment during off hours times.
Venita “Queen” Abrams
Classroom Rules
Remain in your seat
Respect yourself and others
Raise your hand to speak
Speak quietly when talking at your table (Level 1)
Practice Etiquette/ mannerisms at all times
1st Offense: I will warn students in a one on one discussion briefly
2nd Offense: I will call parents and explain in details the nature of the call
3rd Offense: I will request a meeting with parent and a contract on behavior will be implemented
*** If the above mentioned doesn’t work I will fill out expected documents for the school discipline liaison and request a demerit***
Rewards/ Incentives (What are your classroom incentives?)
Whole Class
Something out of the goodie box
3o minute game play
Will view a play production
Teacher helper/assistant
Will be able to create a skit using the character trait words and perform
Timed puzzle completion 1st person wins a prize
$5 subway gift certificate
Pizza party
Incentive will change as class progress….
Incentive will change as class progress….
Incentive will change as class progress….
If you would like to leave me a message or have any questions please feel free to do in in the box below and press send thank you!